Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Plateau

I think the hardest thing to do in life is to give an honest evaluation of ourselves. In school, I always hated when the teacher would ask us to grade ourselves. If we gave ourselves a grade that was too high, then we were proud and arrogant, if too low then we lacked self-esteem and confidence. When the truth is it's just not easy to give yourself a fair assessment. There are times when I'm my own worst critic and then there are times when I'm full of confidence knowing I've gotten something right. Then there are times where I'm just not sure where I stand. I'm just average... somewhere in the middle.

When we evaluate ourselves we need a measure. Something to compare us to. If you ask me how I did and don't give me something to compare it to it's not really an easy assessment to make. Often times we use the wrong measure. We use people as our measure instead of using the Standard. In our world and in our society, where everything is accepted and nothing is unacceptable, it's hard to have a good measure, because what's good for you might not be what's good for me. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is wrong. There are absolutes. 2+2=4 Even in common core, even if there way of coming to the right answer is different than the way you were taught. There are things that are right and there are things that are wrong. 

So where's the standard? The Bible. The Bible is the only thing that has not changed. It's God's Word and as His Word it will remain forever. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His Word will remain forever. So because of this, we must use this as our measure of how we're really doing.

But there's still room for error. I'd like to call it the Christian Plateau. When we first get saved, everything is new and exciting. We can't wait to go to church, We can't wait to read our Bible or share our experience with every person we see. We're excited and on fire. We grow at an enormous rate. While we're out there, we hear things from seasoned Christians like, "Oh just wait, you'll calm down eventually." We think to ourselves, 'boy, I hope I don't become like them.'

Slowly our uphill climb changes from a mountain to a hill until finally we've arrived. How do we know we've arrived? Well just look around because everyone else is here too. The Spiritual elite are here with us. This is it! We breathe a sigh of relief and begin mingling with the other mature believers. Occasionally, we peer over the edge and see the new Christians charging up the hill and think, 'Oh, they'll calm down eventually.'

Look around, you are not on the summit you are on the plateau! You are in a dangerous place. The people you are surrounded by have fallen into a trap. A trap of complacency. A trap of becoming judgmental. A trap of arrogance and self-serving Christianity. 

It's time to take inventory of where you are. But you must do it not by comparing yourself to the people that are around you but to the Word of God.

2 Peter 1:3-4
"His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires" (emphasis added).

A lot of us stop here. We participated in God's divine nature. We used to tell people regularly about Jesus and we still do occasionally - "when the Spirit moves us." We used to read and pray everyday before the busyness of life took over. But I mean, we still read the verse of the day and most of the time we remember to pray before we eat and of course we say a rote prayer as we close our eyes at night. But look at us... we have escaped the corruption of the world. We are not like them. They're evil. They're a lost cause. There's nothing we can do to help them because they don't want to listen to us.

Can you blame them? You're looking down on them from your Christian Plateau with your nose so high in the air everyone can see your boogers. This is not where we're meant to be. It's time to grow again.

2 Peter 1:5-8 Continues...
"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ" (emphasis added).

Take an honest evaluation of yourself. Is your knowledge of Jesus Christ effective and productive? Well, how can we tell? Are you completing the mission given to us by the Lord. "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." This is our litmus test. How are we doing at fulfilling the great commission? It was not given for an elect few. But to all that believed He gave the power to become Sons of God. As a Son/Daughter of God it's your responsibility to be sharing that news with others. To be encouraging the brethren. To be adding to our faith in these areas. It's time to get off the plateau and begin increasing again. 

If you can honestly say, "I'm not being productive right now. I'm not being effective." That's great allow God's conviction to allow you to begin growing again. Don't let people discourage you from what God is calling you to do! It's time to grow again.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Knitting Needles

There are times when I like to take the Word very literally. I quote back to God specific promises.

The other night I was lying in bed feeling a little discouraged because even though I'm pregnant i don't feel pregnant, other than being sick. So as I was talking to God about my feelings, I remembered the verses from Psalm 139, that say, ' you knit me together in my mother's womb.' As I was contemplating this verse. I thought of the little miracle forming inside of me. An instant later I began to imagine the knitting needles. I could almost see and feel them on either side of my stomach and attached to the end was the little bundle of joy that I'll be meeting in a few short months. I could see that God was doing a work even though I couldn't feel it.

How many times do we get discouraged because we don't feel God? We know He's there intellectually, the same way I know there's a baby growing inside of me. But we get hung up because we don't feel anything. Be encouraged, just like God is knitting together the baby inside my womb and in a few weeks I'll begin to feel it moving, God is working in your life even if you can't feel Him at this time, and in a little while you'll begin to feel again too.

What promise had God given you that you've almost given up on, because you don't feel God working in this area of your life or ministry? Where are you struggling in your walk because you don't see the fruits yet or feel God? Are you ready to throw in the towel because church is dry and you don't feel God in the services?

It's time to take your knowledge and align your feelings to the truth of scripture. The truth in my life is there is a life growing inside me even though it doesn't feel like it right now. The truth is God is working even though I can't see it. The truth is God has never gone back on a single promise. Take out your dusty Bible and meditate on the truth of scripture. Allow the Truth to change your feelings. Realize that God's not done yet. And this just might be a season of growing your faith by increasing you knowledge of the Truth.

The truth is only found in scripture. It's not found in feelings, thoughts, emotions, or anything else. It's found in the Word of God. So if you're discouraged, dry, empty, ready to throw in the towel, then it's time to align your feelings with the Truth and remember that God is at work no matter what you feel.

Take time today to reflect on the scripture that ignited the promise God made to you. Realize that God's not done yet. Even if everything is upside down, as long as your walking with God, know that soon you'll feel right side up again.

God is working. God has never quit. Never forgotten a promise He made. Never abandoned His work. Never taken a sabbatical. God is not done yet!

Keep walking. Keep praying. Keep seeking. Keep reading. Keep trusting. No matter what you're feeling don't give up!