Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Letter to Seasoned Christians

Dear Seasoned Christian,
Have you ever seen an "adult" that clearly stopped growing at a certain age? Like a thirty year old that's still acting like they're in high school? They continue to "relive" their glory days but never move past them. They're stunted and annoying and you almost feel sorry for those poor saps.

They say teenagers know everything, but I think it starts earlier than that. Have you ever tried giving information to a seven, eight, or nine year old? Their response is, "I know. I know." As adults we sit back and shake our heads thinking, you really don't know. What would happen if these 7 year olds stopped growing? I don't mean physically, but mentally and emotionally. Our society in a few years would be run by adult children. Can you see the disaster that would await us?

And yet, this is the norm in our churches. What do I mean by this? I came across a statistic that I'd heard at a conference 6 years ago. Rereading it I was just as astounded by it as I had been when I first heard it. The speaker said, "The average Christian stops growing 7-9 years after getting saved."
I've been a Christian for almost 28 years, but am I really only 7 or 8 spiritually? What about you?

As I've been pondering this thought some things hit me. Here are 10 ways to judge whether you've stopped growing:

1. Do you listen to a sermon and think, "I know this, I know this" instead of allowing God to talk to you or show you something new?

2. Are your prayers generic? Thanks God for this day... Forgive me for my sins, I'm not sure exactly what I did, but I know I must've done something because everyone sins... Watch over us... Amen.

3. Do you read your Bible just because that's what you're supposed to do, but never really expect to get anything out of it?

4. How are you serving? Is it out of a heart of love for God and people or just a duty to be crossed off your spiritual checklist?
Church of Ephesus - Revelation 2:1-7
The church of Ephesus had this problem. They were full of good works. They were doing all the right things, but they didn't love God or each other the way they should've. We weren't meant to serve just to serve. If it doesn't come out of a heart of love, love for God and a love for people than it's pointless.

5. How is your faith in the face of persecution and trials? Do you stand strong trusting in God or do you question "why me" and run away?
Church of Smyrna - Revelation 2:8-11
God warned the church of Smyrna that they were about to be thrown in prison, but anyone that endured would receive the crown of life. We aren't always warned that we're about to walk through a specific trial, but we should know they're coming. God tells us "in this life you will have trials and tribulations, but take heart, I have overcome the world." Don't allow your trials to stunt your growth!

6. What sin do you tolerate in your life and in the lives of the people around you? Do you justify sin by saying things like, "I'm only human" or "everyone struggles with that"?
Church of Pergamum - Revelation 2:12-17
The church of Pergamum were tolerating sin. We say, "hate the sin, but love the sinner." But tolerating sin isn't loving the sinner, it's ignoring the sin. There is right and wrong. There are clear black and white guidelines and we need to stop justifying sin in the lives of others, because sin spreads. I heard a quote as a teenager and have seen the truth of it, "what parents allow in moderation, children will do in excess." What we allow in our churches and in our lives will spread and multiply, it will stunt our growth and the growth of those around us. We need to call things what they are. And sin is sin.

7. Who are you listening to? Do your friends encourage you in your sin or do they gently rebuke you?
Church of Thyratira - Revelation 2:18-29
The church of Thyratira clearly had a problem. They were listening to Jezebel. Sometimes the things said to us are blatantly wrong like Jezebel teaching "them to commit sexual sin and to eat food offered to idols." But other times it's subtle. Don't allow mediocrity to creep in. Don't allow your heart to be hardened to sin. Don't let others encourage your sin. And definitely don't encourage other's in their sin. Also realize if someone is being convicted of something don't try to convince them that it's ok to do, because the Bible clearly says, "what's sin for some may not be sin for others." So don't try to legalize what God is doing in that person. As we grow, God is pulling us closer to Himself, which means things in our lives, even good things might be required to go.

8. Are you dead? Or spiritually sleep walking?
Church of Sardis - Revelation 3:1-6
The church of Sardis had a reputation for being alive. I assume that meant their worship was hopping, their sermons were lively. The church was full of "Hallelujah" and "Amen." Yet God, who sees the deeper picture, says, you're dead. Have you ever went through the motions and yet your heart wasn't in it. I've been there. Do all the right things, say all the right things, nod and say amen; and yet, inwardly I was dead. There was no life in me. I was a white-washed tomb. Thankfully, we have a God who is the Resurrection and the Life and He's calling to you to WAKE-UP!

9. Are you indifferent? "I have everything I need... I'm going to heaven... That's all that matters."
Church of Laodicea - Revelation 3:14-22
The church of Laodicea was luke-warm. As a kid I remember thinking why would God want them to be cold toward Him. I feel like I got some insight today as I was contemplating these verses. Have you ever met a person who's just a breath of fresh air. They revitalize and refresh you. That's what cold water does. As for hot water, we all know that person who is passionate and driven. But what about lukewarm... Lukewarm water negatively effects everything it touches. If you put it with cold water it spreads it's little bit of warmth and makes the cold water no longer refreshing. If you mix it with hot water it sucks the heat out of it, and again makes it no longer useful. Have you ever been around someone that sucks the life out of you? That's what lukewarm looks like. Are you a life sucker? Then it's time to decide, either be passionate or refreshing, but either way it's time to change!

10. Can you honestly say you're faithful? Even in your weakness you're continuing to trust and obey God? God is opening doors for you in ministry? If that's you great, you're still growing. Keep growing. Hold tightly to what you have.
Church of Philadelphia - Revelation 3:7-13
The church of Philadelphia was the only church that God didn't say I have something against you. Even in their weakness they were faithful to God. They didn't let the things of this world diminish their love for God or each other. They were faithful. They were growing and God was opening doors for them.

I don't have it altogether. There are times in my life where I can look back and see tremendous growth. Then there are times like now where I feel stagnant. The great thing about God, is He loves us so much, He provides us with warnings and wake up calls. If you realize, wow I really haven't grown in awhile, well now is the time. Start over. Pick up your Bible and ask God for fresh insight. Ask Him to help you. He's not going to say, "you did this to yourself, now figure it out." He's going to say, "My son, My daughter, let Me prune you. Let Me cut off the dead branches, so you can begin to grow again. Let Me shower you with My Spirit and feed you with My Word. Let My love radiate in your hearts."

Take an honest evaluation of where you are right now. Not where you were 5 years ago when you went through that enormous trial, but where you are now. Because you might've been growing then and aren't now. Or you might've already realized wow I've not really grown in awhile and are taking steps to start growing again. Don't get discouraged, just decide to push forward today. Decide today, I'm going to begin growing again. Let God wash over you in a new way and refresh the work he wants to do in you. It's time to grow again.

"Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches." Revelation 3:22

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