As I was in church this Sunday, a thought hit me one that hasn't left me all week, so I must do what I must do... Write!
I was standing in church during the worship service, trying not to be sick. I promise our worship team is great, so it wasn't them making me sick. This pregnancy has been a little rough. Morning sickness doesn't even describe the nearly constant feeling of motion sickness that I describe it as. I had taken the last dose of medicine Friday night, and so Sunday, I was feeling a little queasy. Towards the end of the worship service, my pastor got up and said if anyone has a need, come up front and we'll pray for you. I was back and forth about going up because, hey this is just normal. It's just my life right now. It's just something that I need to live with.
As I thought these thoughts I glanced around the sanctuary and thought, "Hmm... I wonder how many other people in here need prayer, but figure, 'this is just my life, I just need to live with it.' And didn't go up for prayer." Honestly, I've never been afraid to ask God for the little things. Whether, I needed help on a test, or had an ache, or just wanted it to rain that day. He doesn't always answer with a yes. But, I've never been afraid to ask. A lot of people think, I don't want to bug God with the little stuff. Well can I say, if you don't trust God with the little stuff how will you ever trust God with the BIG stuff? I'm not judging, just asking.
I thought about Paul and his thorn in the flesh. I think some of us have thorns, that God didn't intend for us to keep. Paul went to God three times praying that God would take it away, but God said, "my grace is sufficient for thee." Here's my question, have you asked God to take away your problem, or are you figuring that it's just something you need to live with? Paul didn't just put up with it because it was there, but he went to God on different occasions asking for relief, and not until God said that He was enough for Paul, did Paul stop asking and just live with it.
What are you living with that God doesn't intend for you to live with? What area is too small that you're not willing to take it to God, because you don't want to bother Him? The Bible says, "Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." A lot of times it's not the big stuff that weighs us down, but all the little things. All the minor things that we don't want to bother anyone with. God is asking you to come to Him. Come lay those things down. Come share those burdens. Find relief at the altar.
What are you living with because you've stopped asking God about it because He hasn't answered you yet? Paul asked until he got his answer. Jesus tells of an old woman that kept banging on the door of the judges house until she got an answer. Have you given up asking because you haven't gotten an answer yet? It's time to stretch your faith and ask again and again and again, until God gives you an answer. His answer may not be yes, and if that's the case, then yes live with it. But don't give up until you've received an answer.
I never did make it to the altar on Sunday, because I spent too much time praying for the people that were just living with it. But guess what? Sunday was the first time in weeks that I made it through a service without having to flee to the bathroom. God gave me relief and insight all at once. Let me encourage you today to stop, living with it. Seek God and see if relief is right around the corner for you!
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