Sunday, January 6, 2013

Snowy Footprints

While walking through fresh snow with two little boys, the younger of the two said, “I’m walking in your footprints Miss Jenn.”

Instantly, I shortened my steps and was more careful about where I placed my feet, making sure that I placed my foot on sure ground, so the little person following behind me wouldn’t slip. As I did this I realized how profound his little comment was.

Over the next few days I began to think about all the footprints I leave behind. I wondered where they all went, and did I want people following ALL my steps. I seem to make choices everyday that I wish I could undo or take back. And while contemplating these things, I could feel the Spirit speaking to my spirit saying follow my footprints.

Instead of worrying about where I am going, or all the things I do wrong I need to instead be following Jesus. Where would Jesus walk?

Jesus walked out of synagogues and into the home of sinners.

Jesus walked out of the crowds and up to the mountains to pray.

Jesus walked on water.

Jesus walked to the grave of Lazarus, and the dead man walked out alive!

Jesus walked up the hill to Calvary, and 3 days later walked out of His tomb.

Jesus walked through trials, adversity, and pain. Jesus walked by faith, in the power and anointing of the Holy Ghost. Jesus walked in love, mercy, and compassion.
Will we dare to walk where Jesus walked?